n - bird seed letters

Updated: Nov 25, 2021

Children in reception will be learning to:

  • Form lower-case and capital letters correctly. (Literacy)

What you need:

  • Bird Seed

  • Flashcards/pieces of paper with letters written on them

  • Tray - I used the storage box from our Phonics Box

Once you have finished this activity, keep the bird seed for week 4!

Say it and write it

Fill a tray with a shallow layer of bird seed. Let your child explore the feeling of the seeds. They might pick them up, pour them through their fingers or mark make in them.

Show them some of the flashcards you have used previously. Can they write the letters in the bird seed?

Model how to write the letter n in the bird seed. You could make up rhymes to help you child with letter formation. We said that the squirrel was in the tree and saw a nut. He jumped down from the tree to fetch the nut then ran back up the tree. He jumped across to the next tree and ran down to get another nut.

You could extend this activity by adding containers, spoons and scoops so that your child can fill them up and pour bird seed from one to another.

If you have a go at this activity and share any photos on social media I would love to see them. Please tag @miniwritersclub and let me know how you get on.

