g - grass heads

Updated: Nov 25, 2021

Children in nursery will be learning to:

  • Plant seeds and care for growing plants. (Understanding the World)

Children in reception will be learning to:

  • Read individual letters by saying the sounds for them. (Literacy)

What you could use:

  • paper cups

  • paint and paint brushes

  • Craft materials and glue to decorate

  • Soil

  • Grass seed

  • Soil

  • Scissors

Hear it and say it

I showed Benji the box of grass seed and sounded it out making sure to emphasise the g sound g-rass. We talked about what colour grass is and how green also starts with g.

See it and say it

We looked at the box of grass seed again and I showed him what the letter g looks like. I set out some paints, brushes and paper cups so that we could make grass heads.

Benji chose what colour paint he wanted to used and squeezed it into the paint tray. Then we painted our paper cups. I sat and painted next to him and showed him how he could put his paper cup upside down and use one hand to hold it while he used the other hand to paint. This is a great way to get them to develop a dominant hand and a helping hand. When they begin to write they will write using their dominant hand and hold the paper steady with their other hand.

We left the paper cups to dry over night. The next day I put out some craft materials, scissors and glue and we turned the paper cups into people.

We added stickers and drew details using felt tips to create faces. This activity is a great way to develop the pincer grip which will help children to use a tripod grip when they hold a pencil. This is one of the most efficient ways to hold a pencil and will give them more control over the movement.

When the paper cups were dry we filled them with soil then sprinkled some grass seeds on top.

We watered the soil and placed them in a sunny spot on the windowsill. We are going to observe them and see what happens. When the grass is long enough we will use some scissors to cut the grass hair!

If you have a go at this activity and share any photos on social media I would love to see them. Please tag @miniwritersclub and let me know how you get on.


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