
This activity is from the Phonics Camp - Phases 3 & 4 (Week 4).

The seeds from the Sycamore tree are often called helicopters. If you lift them up then let go, they twist as they drop down to the grown. It's the trees way of spreading it's seeds so that new trees can grow.

This is what it looks like as the paper helicopter falls down to the ground.

Making the paper helicopter is a great way to develop the fine motor skills needed to hold a pencil and provides a great opportunity to discuss the directional language. Download the template and instructions to make your own paper helicopter below.

Download the template below:

Bilateral Co-ordination – Folding the paper requires children to use two hands together with one hand leading. When they write they use this skill; their dominant hand will hold the pencil and their other hand will keep the paper still as they write.

Scissor Tips:

  • Choose suitable scissors for your child. If they are left-handed try left-handed scissors. If they find it hard to open and close regular scissors try spring-loaded scissors or Easi-Grip scissors. Choose scissors with rounded ends but make sure they are sharp enough to cut otherwise it will be frustrating for your child. Teach your child scissor safety and supervise them when they are using them. Snipping playdough is another good way to practise scissor skills.

  • Encourage your child to put their thumb on top when they cut. This grip will strengthen the same muscles that children need for drawing and writing. To reinforce this position, you can ask your child to show the thumbs-up sign before holding the scissors or draw a smiley face on their nail with a pen.

If you have a go at any of the activities or think of any more examples, and share photos on social media, I would love to see them. Please tag @miniwritersclub and let me know how you get on.


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