oi - point and join

Updated: Jan 29

Phase Three: j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi

Words: join, soil, boil, toil, foil, tinfoil

Revisit and Review

Place some flashcards on the table. Say one of the sounds and ask your child to point to the letters that represent that sound.


Draw a noughts and crosses grid and write the following oi words in the spaces. Give each player 6 a set of counters. You could each have a different coin to stick with the oi theme (c-oi-n). If you have a mixture of coins one player could be heads and the other player could be tails.

Take turns to read a word, then use a coin to mark it off. See if anyone can get 3 coins in a row.


During lockdown, I painted wooden jigsaw puzzle pieces to create these letters. You could make some using cardboard or download the printable version below.

Download your copy below:

Say one of the words and ask your child to join the correct jigsaw pieces to spell the word. To help your child spell a 2 syllable word break it into syllables tin/foil and then sound out each syllable e.g. tin, t-i-n and foil, f-oi-l.


The dry wipe board, pen and flashcards are included in the Phonics Box Kit.
