Pre-Writers Club: Hand Washing

Updated: Nov 23, 2021

Physical Development - Health & Self-Care (40-60+ months): Shows some understanding that good practices with regard to exercise, eating, sleeping and hygiene can contribute to good health.

What you need:

  • Paint

  • Cutlery/toy food

  • Container full of warm water

  • Hand wash

We read Germs vs Soap before doing this activity. Then we talked about how germs are so small that we can't see them but they are all around us on our bodies, in the air and on objects. I explained that if germs get in our bodies they can make us feel unwell.

I squirted some paint on their hands and asked them to rub it all over. I told them to imagine the paint was germs. Then we pretended to eat lunch. As they picked up the cutlery or toy food they got paint on it. We talked about how we can spread germs and what would happen if we ate the food. I explained that if germs get inside our bodies it can make us feel poorly. We thought about what we can do before we eat.

They washed their hands in warm water but noticed that some of the paint was still on them. Then they washed them again using soap which made them clean. We talked about how important it is to wash our hands with soap to get rid of all of the germs, especially before we eat.


Pre-writing Shapes - Encourage your child to make a circular motion with their fingers to rub the soap into their palm. A circle is one of the 9 pre-writing shapes that children need to be able to form these strokes as a precursor to writing letters and numbers.

If you have a go at this activity and share any photos on social media I would love to see them. Please tag @miniwritersclub and let me know how you get on.


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