Pre-Writers Club: Memory Box

Updated: Nov 23, 2021

Maths - Shape, Space and Measure (40-60+ months):

Orders two or three items by length or height.

Uses everyday language related to time.

What you need:

  • Items of clothing from when they were younger/doll clothes

  • Photos of them when they were younger

I have an old suitcase that I use as a memory box. It has lots of things from when he was born e.g. his first outfit, cards and photos. It also has special outfits e.g. from his auntie's wedding, Christmas jumpers and his first shoes.

Benji loved opening the box and looking through the items. He couldn't believe how small he was. We looked through the items and talked about how he has changed. We thought about things he can do now that he couldn't do when he was younger.

We compared the size of his baby clothes to the ones he was wearing. He tried on his very first hat and found it funny that it didn't fit on his head anymore. If you don't have access to their old clothes, you could comparing doll's clothes to their current clothes.


Measuring - When children use a process to find the size of an object, they are measuring. Children don’t need to know about units e.g. centimeters to measure, they can begin by comparing two objects. Place their baby clothes next to some of the clothes they fit into now and talk about the different size. You can support their early measuring skills by teaching them to use comparison word to describe the two items of clothing e.g. The top you had when you were a baby is much smaller than the one that fits you now.

If you have a go at this activity and share any photos on social media I would love to see them. Please tag @miniwritersclub and let me know how you get on.

