Pre-Writers Club: Nappy Change

Updated: Nov 23, 2021

Understanding of the World - People and Communities (30-50 months): Remembers and talks about significant events in their own experience.

What you need:

  • Nappies - real/pretend

  • Cloth/flannel for wipes

  • Blanket/muslin

  • Toy doll

When Sophie was little we played did this activity using one of her nappies and some real wipes. When I was pregnant with Benji I wanted to help her to get used to the idea of having a baby around so I made some fabric nappies and reusable wipes so she could play again and again. You could also use toy nappies such as these ones from the ELC.

As we were playing with the dolls, we talked about what Benji can do now that he couldn't do when he was a baby. We talked about the things I used to do to look after him and why he wore nappies. I showed him how to change a nappy and he loved having a go. He found it really funny when I asked if the baby had done a wee or poo. We talked about different types of nappies and how some get thrown away but others are washed and used again. We put the dirty nappy and wipe into his laundry basket to be washed.

He managed to position the new nappy underneath the doll and fasten it.


Bilateral - Control - Changing the nappy required them use their hands to complete different actions in a co-ordinated way. To clean the baby's bum they need to hold the legs in their air with their 'helper hand' and wipe with their dominant hand.. When they write they will use this skill; their dominant hand will hold the pencil and their other hand will keep the paper still as they write.

If you have a go at this activity and share any photos on social media I would love to see them. Please tag @miniwritersclub and let me know how you get on.

