Spider Legs Game

This is an Incy Wincy Spider version of Hangman. You can play using a blank piece of paper or download the template below.

Take turns choosing a word and write a dash for each letter. The other player guesses letters. If the letter is in the word, write it on the dash. Draw part of the spider if the letter isn’t in the word. Can the player work out the word before the spider is complete?

I have included a list of decodable words that are sorted into phonics phases (Phase 2-4 = Reception and Phase 5 = Year 1). Instead of dashes, you could draw sound buttons for single sounds and sound lines for digraphs (where two letters work together to make one sound e.g. ai).

All of the words contain at least one of the Incy Wincy Spider Family letters so that your child can have a go at forming them as part of a writing activity. You might find that your child goes back to old habits with their letter formation as they are concentrating on spelling. Make a note of any they form incorrectly to work on later on.

Download your copy below:

If you have a go at this game and share photos on social media, I would love to see them. Please tag @miniwritersclub and let me know how you get on or add them to the Facebook group.

