Using Board Games

Using board games is a great way to develop directional language. Here are a couple that we have used.

Connect Four

This game helps children to identify straight lines. As you play, you can talk about the counter dropping down. When someone gets 4 in a row, help your child to describe the line e.g. a straight line that goes down or a straight line that goes across. Follow the line with your finger, making sure to go from top to bottom or left to right as this will help with the movement needed to form the letters in the Incy Wincy Spider family.

If you don't have this game at home, you can download a printable version below. You could use counters such as 1p and 5p coins.


Hand-eye Co-ordination - The children need to look carefully as they look for a way to connect four and plan where to place their counter. This skill will help them as they use their pencil to write letters.

Pincer Grip - They will pick up the coins using their thumb and index finger. This will help to develop the grip needed to hold their pencil effectively.

Top Tip - Put the counters on their left hand side. If they are right handed, this will encourage them to reach across their body which will help when they start to write. It will also gets them used to working from left to right which is the direction they will write in.

In-hand Manipulation - Encourage your child to pick up more than one coin using the same hand. They will store the coins in their palm and then move them to their fingers one at a time. This skill will help children to pick up a pencil and position it in their hand so that it is ready to write with.


This is another great game helps children to support directional language. As you give co-ordinates model how to run your finger across and down to find the number of the square.

You can download a printable version with instructions about how to play below.

I would love to hear if you have any other board games at home that help to develop directional language. Tag me in a photo of the game @miniwritersclub or share it in the Facebook group.

