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Phonics Camp

From Reception to Year 1

A summer full of games and activities to recap Phases 3 and 4. 

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Do you want to help prepare your child for Year 1 but don't know where to start?

In Year 1, your child will learn new ways to write the sounds they have already been taught. Phonics Camp recaps Phases 3 and 4 to consolidate the sounds and words before they move to Year 1. 

Based upon the idea of a summer camp, each week has a different theme. From reading campfire recipes to making their own tricky word lanterns, your child will develop their phonic skills through play. Phonics Camp includes 30 short videos where I teach recap sounds and words and introduce a follow-up game, craft or activities which are available to download on the website or app. 

Why did you create Phonics Camp?

During the first lockdown, my daughter was in Reception. She missed lots of Phase 3 and Phase 4 phonics at school and I wanted to make sure she was ready for Year 1. Having taught both Reception and Year 1 I knew what she needed to know from Phases 3 and 4 to get ready for what she would be learning in Phase 5. So I decided to create something fun for us to do over the summer.

During university, I worked at a summer camp in New York and had so much fun. I wanted to recreate the experience at home for my daughter so I planned six weeks of activities with a camping theme. The highlight was making s'mores with a phonics twist! 

My daughter loved Phonics Camp so much that she has asked to do it every summer since we started! Phonics Camp has been enjoyed by over 1000 children since it started in 2020.


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What is included?

Phonics Camp contains 6 weeks of activities to recap Phase 3 and Phase 4.


Week 1 - Let's go to Phonics Camp!

This unit will focus on:

Phase 3 - air, ure, er.

Phase 4 - CVCC words.

A CVCC word is made from a consonant-vowel-consonant e.g. tent.

Reading tricky words: you, be, me, he, she, we, all, are.

Spelling tricky words: I, to, go.


Kit list: empty plastic bottle/glass jar, scissors, tissue paper, PVA glue, glue spreader or brush, battery-operated candle, black felt/Sharpie. 


Week 2 - Campfire Week

This unit will focus on:

Phase 3 - ow, oi, ear.

Phase 4: CVCC words. 

Reading tricky words: was, they. 

Spelling tricky words: the, no, into. 


Kit list: a cardboard box, white paper, brown felt tip/paint, scissors, glue, toilet roll tube and a stick. ​If your child can eat them you will need: mini marshmallows, chocolate chips, biscuits, bananas and tin foil.


Week 3 - Camping Under the Stars​

This unit will focus on:

Phase 3: ar, or, ur.

Phase 4: CVCC and CCVC words. 

Reading tricky words: my, her, said, so.  

Spelling tricky words: he, she, we, be, me.


Kit list: toilet roll tubes, elastic bands, cling film/clear plastic food bag, scissors, Sharpie/whiteboard pen, a torch, glow in the dark stars (a paper-based alternative is included), cardboard, pencil, paperclip, split pin/pipe cleaner.


Week 4 - Nature Week

This unit will focus on:

Phase 3: igh, oa, oo, oo.

Reading tricky words: have, like, some, come.  

Spelling tricky words: was, you.


Kit list: a paperclip, scissors, a cardboard box and elastic bands.


Week 5 - Activity Week

This unit will focus on:

Phase 3: ng, ai, ee.  

Reading tricky words: were, there, little, one.  

Spelling tricky words: they, all, are.


Kit list: milk carton, scissors, Sharpie, paper clips, magnetic fishing rod or a spoon, pipe cleaners, cardboard, glue, string, egg carton and bird seeds. 


Week 6 - Phonics Camp Jamboree

This unit will focus on:

Phase 3: ng, ai, ee.  

Reading tricky words: were, there, little, one.  

Spelling tricky words: they, all, are.


Kit list: milk carton, scissors, Sharpie, paper clips, magnetic fishing rod or a spoon, pipe cleaners, cardboard, glue, string, egg carton and bird seeds. 



I'm Anna and I have a degree in Primary Education and 15 years of teaching experience. During lockdown, I became a teacher to my own two children and shared the learning we did together on my Instagram account which has grown to over 49K followers.

I set up Mini Writers Club to share activities, tips and resources to help you support your child at home with phonics, reading and writing.

When I'm not busy working on Mini Writers Club, you can find me outside doing some gardening or trying to hula hoop (unsuccessfully).

About Me

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