a - magic trick!

Updated: Jan 29

Phase 2 - s, a

What you need:

  • A piece of material

  • A magic wand

  • A selection of objects beginning with s or a e.g. spoon, screwdriver, suitcase, sausage, ambulance, alligator, apple, axe Make sure that objects begin with s and not sh e.g. shark. (or download photos of objects)

  • Flashcards/paper with s and a written on.

Ask your child to close their eyes as you hide one of the objects under the piece of material. They should use their magic wand to form the letter a in the air as they say a-a-a-abracadabra! Once they have said the magic word they should pull the material to reveal the object.

Name the object, emphasising the initial sound and talk about what sound it begins with e.g. alligator, aaaaaligator starts with a. If it starts with the letter a their magic trick worked, but if it starts with s then it didn't! Place the object next to the matching flashcard. Repeat with different objects. As your child becomes more confident, they might be able to identify the initial sound and the matching flashcard by themselves.

You can swap roles and ask your child to hide an object for you. My son found it hilarious to pick an object beginning with s so my magic spell didn't work!

