ai - follow the trail

Updated: Jan 29

Phase Three: j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai

Words: wait, aim, sail, main, tail, rain, paid, chain.

Revisit and Review:

Take some paintbrushes and water outside. Pick a Phase 3 sound card from the pack and ask your child to write it using the paintbrush and water. Then show your child the flash card so they can see if they are correct.


Draw a snail with a trail on the floor using chalk. Write r, ai and n along the trail. Pretend to be snails and say the sounds as you walk along the trail. When you get to the end, blend the sounds together and say the word e.g. r-ai-n, rain.

Draw more snails and use different letters to make CVC words containing the ai sound.

Words: wait, aim, sail, main, tail, rain, paid, chain.


Give your child a piece of chalk and invite them to have a go at drawing their own snail. Say a word and ask them to sound it out. Can they write the word along the trail?

Phase 3 words: wait, aim, sail, main, tail, rain, paid, chain.

If your child is confident with Phase 3 words you could have a go at some Phase 4 words. These words have consonants next to each other where they make their own sounds rather than work together to make a new sound e.g. snail, s-n-ai-l. The s and n both make their own sounds.

Phase 4 words: snail (s-n-ai-l) , trail (t-r-ai-l), paint (p-ai-n-t), strain (s-t-r-ai-n).
