r - paint a rainbow

Updated: Nov 25, 2021

Children in nursery will be learning to:

  • Use large-muscle movements to wave flags and streamers, paint and make marks. (Physical Development)

Children in reception will be learning to:

  • Read individual letters by saying the sounds for them. (Literacy)

What you could use:

  • paint

  • paintbrush

  • paint tray/containers

  • water in pot

  • kitchen roll

  • large paper (A3) or lining paper

Hear it and say it

Get your child to squeeze the paint into the tray. As they do, name the colours together and ask them if they know what each colour starts with. You could listen to or sing "I can sing a rainbow" and see if you have any of the colours in your paint tray. What does rainbow start with?

See it and say it

Show them the letter r flashcard or written on a piece of paper. The curved part of the letter is the same shape as a rainbow. Use the paints to create a rainbow. They could try to use the colours in the correct order or create their own rainbow using their favourite colours. The purpose of the activity to encourage them to make large marks using their arms and shoulders.

As they draw one of the lines on their rainbow, they should go from left to right. This is the same direction that they will write words and read sentences. Show them that they do not need to pass the paintbrush from one hand to another. This will encourage them to cross their midline.

Encourage them to hold the paint brush near the end with the paint, so that they have more control over the movement.

When they want to swap colours, show them how to clean their brush in the water then wipe it on a kitchen roll before using a new colour. Talk about why we do this and talk about how the colour of the water changes every time they clean their brush.


Crossing the midline - This is an invisible line that runs down the body. By using their dominant hand to reach across the paper, rather than swapping hands, will help them to develop the skills needed to draw shapes or letters that contain intersecting lines, diagonal lines and horizontal lines.

Vertical surfaces - Alternatively they could use chalks to draw a large rainbow on a wall. Using a larger vertical surface helps children to strengthen their core and back muscles which will help them when they sit and write at a desk.

Extension - If you have paint leftover, you could explore what happens if they mix some of the colours together.

If you have a go at this activity and share any photos on social media I would love to see them. Please tag @miniwritersclub and let me know how you get on.

