Sandy Spellings

Updated: Jan 30

What you need:

  • kinetic sand

  • magnetic letters

  • Tray (we used the lid from our phonics box)

Use magnetic letters to make the words on your child's spelling list. Say the word then get your child to sound it out, pressing the letters into the kinetic sand as they sound each sound e.g. sand, s-a-n-d.

Take the magnetic letters off and look at the imprint. Get your child to put the letters on top of the imprints saying each of the sounds as they do. Then take the letters off and flatten the sand. Can they put the letters in the correct order to spell the word?


  • Only put out the letters needed to spell the word so your child can focus on putting them in the correct order.

  • Make sound buttons/lines in the sand. If there is a dot they know they only need to add one letter but if they see a line they will know they need to add a digraph/trigraph where 2/3 letters make one sound.


  • Put all of the magnetic letters out in alphabetical order so that your child has to choose the correct ones.

