When children start school it is helpful if they can recognise their names. This will make it easier for them to find their pegs, drawers and belongings. This game is a great way to help them practise spotting their name.
What you need:
an envelope for each person/pieces of paper and a pen
a photo of each person*
cardboard box with a slot
* Choose a photo of your child and a couple of photos of family or friends.
Write each person's name on a piece of paper or envelope then place the photos and names face down.
Take turns to turn over a photo and an envelope.
Read the name to your child. Say the name slowly and emphasise the initial sound e.g. Sssssophie, ssss-sss-sss, Sssssophie.
Then point to the first letter and say sss for Sophie. At this stage, you could introduce letter names. Sophie's name starts with an S (es) and it makes a sssss sound. Can you hear the sss? Sssss-ophie.
If you find a pair, put the picture into the envelope or together in a pile if you are using pieces of paper. If not, place them back face down.
If you are using envelopes, when you have matched all of the photos and envelopes you can post the letters. You could use a box with a slot cut into it.
Can your child find the letter that is addressed to them? Let them open it so they find their photo. Can they work out who the other letters are for? Open the letters to check if they are right.
Extend - Mix the pictures up so they are not in the correct envelopes. Post them and play the game again. Open the envelopes to find a photo of someone else! See if your child can sort the photos into the correct envelopes using the initial letters to help e.g. M makes a mmmm. Whose name starts with mmmm?
You could add paper and pens to the activity for your child to write notes or draw photos to put in the envelopes. At this stage, they don't need to be able to write letters. They might draw scribbles, wobbly lines or begin to use symbols. Encourage them to read their notes, this gives meaning to their marks. Your child might want to try to write their name or their initial.