Year 1 Version:
If your child is in Year 1, they will learn new ways to write sounds they already know e.g. in Reception, they learn w then in Year 1 they learn it can also be written wh. It looks different but sounds the same.
This game is a great way to help your child learn the new graphemes. If your child is in Reception, you could play using sound and picture cards (more details at the end of the post).
How to play:
Choose some Phase 3 and matching Ph5a sound cards from Set 1 and Set 5.

Spread them out so they are face down. Take tunes to pick one orange card and one pink card.

Keep the cards if they make the same sound e.g. oa and oe and have another go. Put them back if they don't make the same sound.
There is a guide in the top left-hand corner to help you identify the matching sounds.
Keep playing until all of the pairs have been matched.

Reception Version:
The Phase 3 sound is highlighted in green. Sometimes it is at the beginning of the word but it might be in the middle or at the end of the word.
When your child has found a match, see if they can read the word. Encourage them to spot the digraph if there is one (2 letters working together to make one sound), then they should sound out the word and blend it e.g. r-ai-n, rain.

Year 1 Make a Match: Use the Phase 3 sounds from Set 1 and the sound cards from Set 5.
Reception Make a Match: Use the Phase 3 sounds from Set 1 and the picture cards from Set 3.